Prescriptions for a Healthy House: more information
Prescriptions for a Healthy House: A Practical Guide for Architects, Builders, and Homeowner 4th edition also in e-book format.
Prescriptions for a Healthy House is the definitive resource you need to live in a healthy home. This book ties together proper home design practices, construction techniques, and the exact materials you should consider in your home. It provides the big picture that homeowners crave, and the intricate details that architects, designers, and contractors require.
The book is pertinent to anyone interested in building or remodeling a home or workplace that is not only beautiful, but also durable and health-enhancing.
Although there is nothing complicated about constructing healthier homes, building for health is still not standard practice, and in fact there are many aspects of conventional home construction that are detrimental to human wellbeing. As an example, homeowners can learn about what makes proper foundations and the value of vapor permeable walls. Written in simple to understand language, homeowners will be able to make educated decisions and communicate with the building team.
From foundation to rooftop, to home care and repair, Prescriptions for a Healthy House takes the mystery out of healthy-house building, renovation and maintenance, by walking the owner/architect/builder team through the entire construction process.
This book is for everyone who wants to live healthy, and avoid unnecessary home damage, from those with illness from toxic chemical exposure to those who want a healthy home for their family to enjoy.
Topics include:
How much more will it cost to build a healthy home? pg 7
How to read the M/SDS to protect your health pg 58
Language for the homeowner to include in contractual agreements pg 84
Scientific research on harmful materials and practices
Case studies to guide the improvement of your health
Precise product discussions of materials used in the home
Homeowner’s maintenance guide pg 329
This unique guide will appeal to architects, designers, contractors, medical professionals and homeowners in its thorough discussions regarding:
Frame construction alternatives
Thermal and moisture control
Electromagnetic Radiation
The authors:
Paula Baker-Laporte is the principal architect and founder of Baker-Laporte & Associates and EcoNest Design.
John Banta is a senior indoor environmental consultant for RestCon Environmental.
John C. Banta is a Certified Industrial Hygienist with approximately 30 years experience with healthy homes. He specializes in water damage and mold problems in buildings. John is a Coauthor for the book Prescriptions for a Healthy House: A Practical Guide for Architects, Builders and Homeowners.
John is working on a new book that focuses on mold problems in the home.